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Sunday, November 15, 2015

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What you should learn email template


    The basics of HTML emails

    • What you can't do with emails: Learn the "no-no's" of emails, such as floats, margins, class names, and much more.
    • The email workflow: Learn where to code your emails and how to set up your email environment.
    • What kind of rich content can go into an email: Understand the types of content and elements — such as video, GIFs, forms and dynamic content — that can go into an HTML-based email.
    • Dealing with images in email: Learn which clients show images and which ones don't, what image extensions are acceptable and how files sizes can cut off your email.
  • Coding HTML emails

    • Understanding table-based layouts: Learn basic table syntax and how to layout with tables rather than divs.
    • Anatomy of a grid: Learn how to build complex layouts with tables, including your own grid system.
    • Templates vs. frameworks: Dive deep into the difference between email templates and frameworks.
    • Grid-based responsive emails: Learn how to design on a grid.
    • Adding visual style to a layout: How to use CSS to style UI elements and give your emails a visual style, and why inliners are important.
    • Buttons and emails: Understand how to use buttons in an HTML emails.
  • Responsive email design

    • Limits of media queries: Understand how media queries can adapt to smaller screen sizes as well as their limitations.
    • Responsive grids vs. column layouts: How you can build better than a single column layout.
    • Large and small images: When to use large images and when you should go small.
    • Disparate email clients: Learn the various types of programs that read email and their individual quirks.
    • Outlook, your best and worst enemy: Learn why Outlook can make or break a responsive email.
    • Progressive enhancement: How you can design Outlook first then progressively enhance your emails for a better mobile experience.
  • Getting your email out the door

    • You are not a mail server: Learn the difficulty in sending email campaigns from your own server and what you can do about it.
    • Maintaining an effective subscriber list: Understand how to build your list of subscribers, including single- and double-opt in.
    • Avoiding the spam bin: Understand both programmatic and user spam reporting.
    • Testing your emails: Learn the best practices when testing responsive emails, such as designing in the browser, using testing services and which clients you should test for.
    • Uploading an email: Learn how to upload emails to a service before shipping it out.


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